Saturday, January 21, 2017

Only Liberals Riot?

I've been seeing a lot of memes, comments, tweets and posts about how only liberals riot, that conservatives are all so gosh darn good - and employed - that they never do.

I checked this out, and yes, it is true that conservatives do not protest the same way the Left does.  And to give credit where credit is due, a lot of it is because of upbringing, that is, conservatives tend to have been raised in more faith-based conservative homes.

However, there are four things to note on this.

1.  There were a lot of  conservative individual or small group protests in the wake of President Obama's winning the election.  Both times.  Beatings of minorities, church burnings, hanging Obama in effigy, etc.  So a crucial difference about protests is not in "who" but in "how".

2.  Conservatives tend to be in power positions up and down the police and military hierarchy, so their angry responses are usually in the form of putting down those they dislike with truncheons, gas and dogs.  A liberal man might throw a rock.  A conservative policeman - or a "conservative establishment's policeman" - can smash his face with a water cannon.

3.  Typically a people have to be in poverty in order to take to the streets and risk arrest.  In this nation, the "poor" are typically the young and the minorities.  At least more of them are poor percentage wise.  Better off citizens, with more to lose, are apt to take a quieter route - like the individual violence in point one - or to use the system to vent their rage - like mentioned in point two.

If you doubt this, note that it is NOT really "liberals" rioting.  It is "poor liberals" and "young liberals". Good luck seeing Rosie or Meryl throwing bricks or setting fires.
Probably a liberal.  Probably not Michael Moore.
4.  Conservative protesters get treated substantially more "gently" than liberal protesters.  Be it Montana Freemen or the Oregon protesters, law enforcement will generally "wait them out" and endlessly negotiate.

As opposed to if liberals or minorities had took over federal property.  There is no one reading this that thinks the FBI, ATF or US Marshalls would have waited 40 plus days for a group of armed Black Panthers to give up.

That's all.  Just my thoughts on it.

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