Friday, January 20, 2017

Celebrate the Process?

Are we truly being told that we should at least celebrate "the peaceful transition of power"?


Because all that means is that there is no violence on the stage, and that's a darn low bar for us to then be celebrating,

Most every transfer of power is peaceful.  The picture displayed is Hitler receiving power from President von Hindenburg.  Looks pretty peaceful to me.

"I promise to make Germany great again!"
(Yes, that's actually what he promised.)

Does this mean I say Donald is Adolf?  Oh, not at all.  For one, I think Adolf was more sincere.  For two, Adolf wasn't a misogynistic adulterer.  For three, Adolf made it on his own, without money from his dad.  For four, Adolf actually served in the military.
Of course, Adolf did fail at many ventures before unexpectedly snagging a position no one thought he could attain, so there's at least that commonality.

But no, my point is only to show that citing a celebration of a "peaceful transition of power" is naive at best.  There is nothing to celebrate, per se, in a transfer of power, UNLESS it is going from what one believes is worse hands into better hands.

In other words, it can only be a celebration of the man involved, the process - be it in Germany, the United States, Great Britain, France or Sri Lanka - can only be a neutral process, and wholly unworthy of celebration.

If now you then wish to celebrate having a man with the morals of an alley cat (sorry, alley cats) and brains so lacking that if they were dynamite he could not blow his nose, then you have at it.

That's freedom.  He states he wishes to ditch our treaty obligations, build a Berlin Wall to keep us in - er, keep others out - and to round up those who think and look different than him, but hey, he has panache and he's not Hillary, so there's that, huh?

But don't go on about "celebrating the process".  You will note - or perhaps you'll avoid noting - that 8 years ago, no one was speaking of celebrating "the process".

No, for better or worse, they were openly and honestly celebrating the man.  Which is all that a presence there ever means.  Which is all that celebrating it can ever mean.

And all it can ever mean.

(However, that said, those elected officials making a big show of sitting it out can get over themselves.  Donald is the result of the same system that put them in power, so they need to go welcome their mental and spiritual brother.  Because from where I'm sitting, their own swearing in ceremonies were no cause of celebration either.)

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