Sunday, January 14, 2018

Presidential Sins

The President of the United States paid $130,000 to a porn star in exchange for her saying nothing. Kids above seven thus deduce that she was probably not paid to remain silent about what his favorite Bible verse is. This same guy has cheated on every wife he's ever had, nor is that disputed, and he's been accused by a dozen or so other women of inappropriate sexual behavior.

Which while the last isn't admitted to specifically, he has admitted to doing all the things they've talked about in general. By that I mean he has bragged about doing such things.

His First Lady came over here on a dicey visa and got her start posing nude, in lesbian frolics, before marrying a billionaire roughly twice her age, no doubt for his personality. The nudie pics aren't a rumor or "fake news", the children of America can - and in the case of any boy over 12 do - google them.

These undisputed sins are of fornication, pornography, homosexuality and adultery. Reviewing Donald's businesses, we could easily add gambling to the list of undisputed sins.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm still glad Hillary is not President. But her and Bill got nothing on Donald and Melania. And I remember Bill at least pretending to get "spiritual help" and make a big show of repenting.

I thought that was cheesy at the time, but I miss now how at least he knew that he had to give lip service to morality.

This President? This First Lady? It's not so much that I dislike their politics - I dislike the politics of all politicians. It's that they're so unashamedly dirty in their morals.

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