Friday, January 26, 2018

Modern Conservatism is Racist

Did you know that many years - decades even - that Conservatives used to be in favor of small and limited government, and an upholding of the Constitution?

I know that's hard to believe for any born after the Carter Administration, but it's true.

In the old days, like the fifties and sixties, the Conservatives were against the practices of Totalitarianistic Communist regimes.  They despised Universal IDs, travel permits from place to place, suspension of civil liberties, Iron Curtains, all the things that made such places rightless hell-holes.

Our government was in a quandary.  What was a fascism-loving government to do when so many of the producers and workers of the nation were all conservative like that?

Well, they figured they'd scare the conservatives out of those views.

Conservative:  Only the Soviets require State IDs!
Government:  But hey, you know who is voting illegally?  Brown people! 
Conservative:  Okay, we need State IDs!

This worked for everything.

Conservative:  I'm not showing any papers!  And you ain't searching me!  This ain't Communist Russia!
Government:  But Brown people did 9/11!
Conservative:  Okay, the TSA and 100 mile Constitution free zones are fine!

Conservative:  It was Reagan that made them there Commies take down that Wall!  Because, Freedom!
Government:  You know who comes here, steals jobs, steals welfare and dates your daughter - er, spreads diseases?  Brown people!
Conservative:  We need to build a Wall!

So here we are.  A strange inversion took place in the last fifty plus years.  Now the hippy dippies of the sixties who were all pro-Socialism are the ones screaming about protecting the Constitution and not turning our nation into a Totalitarianistic hell-hole.  And the conservatives are the ones agitating for everything that made the Soviet Union the Soviet Union!

Oh, don't get me wrong, the Left is hardly perfect, and hardly is blameless.  But at least when they give up rights, they give them up for some noble sounding ideal or the other, not because they're told that some Brown person is out to get them!

Now I know, I know - some conservatives are saying, "We are not racists!", and I do know many conservatives who are NOT racist at all.

But you know, in speaking of the bulk of the conservatives that you hear of online, in the news, and such, well, they all look and act pretty racist. 

Yeah, yeah, I get it - the remarkable love of the Confederate Battle Flag is due to the conservative's deep and abiding love of history, so long as it's a very specific four year period of history involving Brown people in chains.  Not so much do they know or care about other times in history.  I mean, have you ever seen a good ol' boy with the flag that was carried up San Juan Hill during the liberation of an island of Brown people displayed on the back of his pick up truck?

No, not the big one.  That red and white one at the far right.
That's heritage.  Unknown to any conservative you're likely to have met.

And yeah, yeah, I get that any opposition to Affirmative Action is due to the incredible love of exact fairness that burns within the conservative heart.  So long as it's the fairness that keeps others (Brown others) from getting an extra boost, but not the type that keeps the conservative from inheriting tax free, benefiting from gerrymanders and getting legacy bumps for their kids.

And yeah, I get that this is all over their over-riding love of pure Laissez-faire Capitalism.  So long as there can still be fascistic bailouts, quantitative easings, tax breaks and other dodges for their boys, but none of this "minority preference" stuff for others.  Brown others. 

And I get that a lot of this is their sadness - and righteous anger - over the many plunderings for our welfare state - well, the welfare that goes to others.  Brown others.  The welfare for veterans, police, their own grandparents, themselves, that kind of stuff is fine, and not even "real" welfare.  They earned it.  No one else apparently ever did.

And I get that even on stuff like statues, that it's that same love of history and heritage - if we mean that same four year period involving slavery, and the statues are to those who betrayed our nation and fought for the State's rights to enslave Brown people.  I never hear them speak in support of having statues of Hirohito or Tojo or Fidel or Saddam.  Or Sitting Bull.  Or Malcolm X. 

What does that all mean?  Well, yeah, it still means that I know conservatives who aren't racist.  But I think even they should fairly admit that on the whole, taking the broad view, an outsider from Mars, or another country here on Earth, or even just "outsiders to the system" like anarchic old me, could be forgiven for seeing a smidge of racism coloring the whole Modern Conservative Movement.

I mean, how else is it that on every issue that comes up, the bulk of conservatives - always for the noblest of reasons, of course - are on the side of that which hurts Brown people?  Always on the side of that which annoys Brown people?  Always on the side of that which tends to demean, distress or be destructive of Brown people?

Admitting that the Left never saw a policeman do a thing that they didn't find to be wrong - are the Modern Conservatives any nobler for never having seen a policeman ever do a thing that they couldn't justify?  Yeah, I'm speaking of the previously unmentioned tendency of conservatives to - while claiming that they need to be armed in case the government ever turns on them - endorse and support the police no matter how outrageous any of their actions look on video tape.

Conservative:  We have to have guns to stay free, if only the police have guns, that there is a police state!
Government:  Brown people are running wild in the streets, we must do something!
Conservative:  Give unlimited power to a militarized police, with no meaningful oversight or accountability! 

See?  Again, sure, it's not about racism, the conservative is only worried about "inappropriate protests".  Or "criminals" who won't instantly obey the police.  True, they didn't mind Cliven "Whitey McWhite" Bundy illegally occupying Federal land and holding off the police with guns...somehow that was okay.  But Brown people taking a knee at a football, how angry they were at how disrespectful that was to their beloved "boys in blue".  Brown people blocking traffic?  Remember the calls for them to be run over and killed?

But there's no racism? 

I'm crying foul. 

Yes, yes, I still know individual conservatives who are not racist.  But the movement as a whole, this "Modern Conservatism", is by any reasonable standard overlaid with racism.  Overlaid, infused, stuffed with, drizzled with, baked in.  This may not be the individual "non-racist conservative's" fault, but it sure is not the fault of the liberals, either. 

It is, in fact, the conservative's fault as a whole.  It is on they as a whole, and each one individually to fight to get rid of the racism inherent in the views that are being displayed to the world.  The individual non-racist conservative needs to take back his own movement and get conservatism back to it's Goldwater Glory days of minimalistic government and iron clad Constitutions.

Frankly, I see far more of old-school conservatism (the good kind) in the Libertarian Party, and to be more frank, most non-racist conservatives I know would do themselves a favor by leaving the now thoroughly disgraced Republican Party and entering the Libertarian Party.

Likewise, though for a whole batch of different reasons, I'd say your average Liberal/Democrat would do better to leave the Democratic Party and join the Green Party. 

But back to the conservatives, please, do something.  Leave the party for a cleaner one, or stay and reform, but whichever you do, please understand and accept how it all looks.  It is not on any liberal, no matter how goofy they are.  And it sure isn't on me the anarchist. 

It's the conservative's movement.  It's on them how it looks.  And it looks racist and terrible.  Each individual thing could be - and will be - argued.  Plausible sounding reasons can - and are - trotted out for each odd racist looking thing.  But past a certain point...past a certain point...past a certain point long since past...the whole looks racist, and realistically, pretty much is racist.

There's just too many examples.  It's like the guy late for work each day.  Sure, each individual reason he has is great, and may even be true.  But golly gee, by the 23rd time, no one is going to care any more, are they?  If they care even that long?

And no one cares, past the two dozenth "explanation" from Modern Conservatives about how even though more terrorists come from White Canada, it's Brown Mexico that we need a Wall with, because something or other, blah blah, some of their best friends, blah blah.  It looks racist.  It sounds racist.  It has the effect of being racist.  Past the many examples displayed for the world, only some of which I listed here, we all just throw up our hands and declare that it is racist.

Not on you, if you're a conservative reading this.  Just your movement.  It's only on you what YOU choose to now do about it.  Excuse it the more, step away, or step up.

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