Thursday, November 9, 2017


As an anarchist, I don't have the superpower that Democrats and Republicans have.
You know, that power they have to know the truth of a sexual allegation charge, just by knowing which political party the accused belongs to.
Democrats all know that women lie when they accuse a Democrat leader of sexual wrong doing.
And Republicans all know that women lie when they accuse a Republican leader of sexual wrong doing.
And me, I'm like, wow, that's eerie, how you each can tell when women you don't know lie about that stuff, and how you can know when men you don't know did or did not do something.
I mean, that's like a real superpower.
Take this latest. Some GOP guy apparently tried to sleep with a 14 year old girl. And the same Republicans who "know" that every woman who ever accused Bill were honest and pure virgins now "know" that this woman is lying, and that - as some say - she probably wanted it anyway, and that Mary was only a teenager when Joseph was with her.
Yeah, really, that's been said.
Wow. I've not been this amazed since all the Democrat Liberal Women's Equality ladies turned on Paula Jones for her stating the truth about Bill Clinton.
It's just uncanny, this infallible power of discernment all these Democrats and Republicans have.
Me, I'll just have to muddle along blind, never knowing for sure who's doing what in DC or Hollywood, because I lack that superpower.
Pictured: With her lead helmet on, Superman can't tell whether her accusations against the latest sleaze bag politician are true or false! But Republicans and Democrats can tell! Every time!!

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