Why do Democrats usually get away with sexual harassment, abuse and even rape, while Republicans - well, they still get away with it, but they look so much worse while doing so?
It's because Liberal Democrats when caught will instantly be sad. They'll offer apologies - meaningless ones, but apologies. They'll express remorse and repentance - without any consequences, but they'll express it. They'll speak of accepting judgment and punishment - without actually then suffering it, but they'll speak of it.
In fact, they act as if they are appealing to a nation made up of a lot of Christians with big hearts - which, of course, they are. And such Christians are ready to forgive at the drop of a hat, if that apology and pouty lip and moist eye are offered to them.
Conservative Republicans, on the other hand, will react far differently when accused. They won't be sad, they'll be mad. They go into the Frat Boy defense of "I wasn't there, and if I was I didn't do it, and if I did it she wanted it!" They are hostile and angry and sullen and resentful. They will try to ignore it first, when that fails, they'll try and deny it, when that fails they'll try and excuse it.
In fact, they act as if they are being judged by a nation made up of a lot of Christians with a great desire to condemn sinners, which of course, they are. And such Christians are ready to judge at the drop of a hat, if that angry denial is not offered to them.
But shouldn't it be the opposite? Shouldn't the conservatives be going the "repent and sin no more" route while the liberals go with the "Wasn't me!" route?
Sure. If either side was sincere, that's EXACTLY how it would be.
But since each politician - Liberal Democrats and Conservative Republicans - are first and foremost politicians, they are almost by definition liars and hypocrites.
Thus the Liberals who love to pretend that the Christians are intolerant will immediately pander to what they know to be the Christian's good nature. And the Conservative, who loves to pretend to be Christian, but knows he is not, will instantly deny everything as he fears the actual Christians who he does not understand, not being one.
The great masses of liberals defending their liberal politician will be quick to try to beat their Christian conservative friends over the head with this - "See, he said he was sorry, why you still on him, are you sinless that you can throw the first stone?"
And the great masses of conservatives defending their conservative politicians will be as quick to try to beat their liberal friends over the head with this - "See, you say Christians are judgy, but here you are judging so harshly! Throwing the first stone already!"
What a nation of hypocrites the 48% of the Left and the 48% of the Right make us.
Hence my own shunning of each side and instead being Anarchic, with a vote only for the Libertarian Party, if I must vote at all.
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