Parents seeking sanctuary in the United States are now having their children took away from them. Approximately 700 so far.
Had this policy been in place 2,000 years ago, then the Egyptians would have kidnapped Jesus and placed him in a detention facility - indefinitely.
Mary and Joseph would have been sent back - eventually. With Jesus? Well, in the modern American way of doing things, some bureaucrat would say, "Since there were no proper papers or way of saying which kid was who's..."
Good thing Jesus was born back in the soft and sweet days of Kings killing kids and brutal Pharoah-gods and Roman soldiers!
Good thing Jesus wasn't born near our nation. A nation incompetent to keep a billion tons of heroin out, but plenty up for wresting babies from mother's arms.
It never occurs to conservatives, or our Border Gestapo, that terrorists don't have to sneak in disguised as parents. That all they need to do to get in here is to hide in a shipment of drugs.
But who would we be to question this procedure, if it had gone down that way for Jesus? I mean, I know that He was in danger and His parents were just trying to save Him...
...but as conservatives say, "What part of 'illegal' did Mary and Joseph not understand?"
Because slavish adherence to the law is more important than saving your kid's life - right?