Saturday, October 28, 2017

For the record...

For the record, I am not opposed to that most elusive of creatures, the "good cop". Like the "honest politician", such should be praised and respected when encountered.

I am opposed to the institution of "police departments" in general, which makes sense, as being a philosophic anarchist, I am opposed to the institution of "government" as well. I would prefer to see people hire private security or take the personal responsibility to bear arms.

Or to at least conduct themselves in such a fashion that a modest "security insurance" policy would suffice.

Likewise, I'd prefer that our "leadership" in the realm of secular affairs be freely chosen. In other words, a vote would not mean that the guy with 43 out of a 100 votes got to represent 100 people. It would mean only that he spoke for those 43, in the sense of holding a limited proxy.

And that the "loser" under our current system would then hold the proxy for the other 41. With yet a third person holding proxy for the remaining 16.

There will be times, on random days or weeks or months where I'll post a lone post - or a flurry of posts - on this or that politicized issue. Many reading now have only known me during the Trump administration and so only know me for writing against Republicans, but I assure you my words were oft times as scathing for the past "Nobel Peace Prize winner" Barack Obama who drone bombed so many more children than W did.

And there will be times when I mention police brutality. But no mention of corrupt politicians or police who do wrong - or the institution of government or police - means that I dislike the individual "honest politician" and "good cop".

But - like most all you who write about the foibles and follies of liberal leaders - it does mean I dislike what some of our current leaders do. And like any of you who would write against any corrupt bureaucrat, I also don't like what some cops who cross the line do.

I rarely bother to drag it out of my comfortable bourgeois living room any more!

I would encourage the honest politicians and good cops to understand this not only about me, but about many others in the nation, who while not what are called "armchair anarchists", are at least fed up with things.

The BLM person is - like you - probably an honest joe, a good guy, wife, kids, job, the usual. Not all of them are black clad antifascists any more than all cops are black clad fascists. True, one could wish that such good BLMers disavow the violence of some of their fellow travellers, but no doubt they also wish that such good cops there are would disavow the violence of some of their fellow travellers.

And what is true of the BLM is true of every other sub-group in the nation. Tea Partiers, liberals, conservatives, whatever.

Likewise in the political realm. I've seen no difference in the IQ, the motivations or the sincerity of the Left or the Right.

If there could be one thing I'd desire, for both those who support Law Makers - the government - and Law Enforcers - the cops - it would be this:

Be honest and consistent. That a person is a cop or Congressman does not make them bad, but it does not make them good, either. Be honest in knowing that. And what a person does that is wrong, does not change because they are on the same team as you. Be consistent in knowing that.

Thirdly - and finally - be sympathetic. A lot of folks are being trampled out here. By evil liberals making it hard on the small businessman, or the evil conservatives making it hard on women or by some evil politician being hard on some good citizen.

And likewise, some bad cops go overboard, and a person pulled over for a tail light gets killed, and no number of good cops getting hurt or killed changes that in at least some cases, a good person was hurt or killed.

I could list a thousand examples of politicians on all sides and cops in every state doing things that were hurtful or destructive. And no number of honest politicians and good cops change the truth of that.

Given that, there's going to be some criticism leveled at the fields of law making and law enforcing. It's natural, and should in no way give alarm. Many of us who do criticize, also criticize grifting cab drivers, vending machine stockers who never swap out the stale stuff, and lazy co-workers. Yet we know that good examples of such exist.

Just wanted to clear that up. My wife and I joined a church that is heavily conservative, so since I friended them all on facebook, there's been a few clashes and surprises between my esoteric Thoreauian Anarchism and their more popular conservatism.

There's no harm meant. I've friends all over the political spectrum, and in many various professions. It's all good!

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