Sunday, September 3, 2017

Cop Stations

You know, it's all well and good for some to defend cops every time, no matter what. After all, I know others who are going to figure the cop is wrong, every time, no matter what.

Yet at the end of the day, you still get all these stories like a kid being tazed off of his ATV and killed or a nurse being arrested for doing her job, or a woman being shot because a cop in a car was afraid, or a black kid - too many to list - "fit the description" and so had to die in fuzzy circumstances.

Shouldn't the side of reason want some reasonable corrections made, if nothing else so as to stop costing property tax payers so much in a paying off these lawsuits? Oh, and to save a life or thousand? Per year?

Probably the most reasonable solution I've yet heard would be to have cops sitting at a cop station like firemen sit at a fire station. And they only respond when called.

After all, 98% of the crap you hear starts with "he had a tail light out" and ends with "and so I had to shoot him".

So lets end this practice of they unconstitutionally roaming about looking for trouble, and thus inevitably making it where they cannot find it.

What would that do for traffic regulation compliance? Well, I think it would be okay. We have no shortage of cameras, so just up the penalties for wreckless driving, and if any are in an accident, the tape is reviewed, and the person who broke a regulation gets hit triple what he'd be hit with now.

That and he'd be civilly liable to the other driver.

I really think that is enough.

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