Tuesday, August 1, 2017


I wonder what part of "illegal" Sheriff Joe "Four Star General" Arpaio didn't understand?

But no, really. This guy is doing that thing where even though the authorities said that what he did was illegal, he's disagreeing and so not only still did what they told him not to, but is now fighting it every step of the way.

Which is kind of funny when you think about it. First, don't get me wrong, I think he has the right to do what he did - ignore the law that he felt was unjust and then fight the authorities tooth and nail so as to get away with it.

But see, that's what those who crossed the border into Arizona had been doing. Ignoring the border regulations that they did not agree with and fighting the authorities over that every way they knew how.

So what's the difference?

Because, I mean, from where I sit, I can't see any difference at all. But I suppose to him it's pretty black and white.

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