Tuesday, April 11, 2017

We are Cattle

I just want to make very clear here that the person principally responsible for that poor guy being drug off the plane was...


Ask not for whom the Officer tazes...

We either insisted on and praised the police of insanely over-the-top security on planes, in which any disagreement on the part of a passenger was re-branded as a "terroristic threat" or if we did not like it, we at least did nothing of substance to stop it.

This is that coming home to roost. Neither the airline nor the security boys did anything that was anything other than standard procedure.

But Dean, this kind of security saves us! No it doesn't. I used to work security, and I know ways of getting stuff on those planes past the TSA, so if dorky middle aged me does, I'm sure Abu the ISIS Wonder Terrorist does.

I might also mention the obvious - in my business in particular, I know if drugs are available locally or not. And in spite of years of TSA, DEA, NSA, FBI, CIA and ABCDEFG, America has more drugs than ever.

So much for walls and border controls.

No, this is not, and has never been about "security" or "safety" or "stopping terrorism".

It's been about controlling us. The great unwashed. The proletariat.

You will note that private planes - as able to crash into building as passenger ones - don't have the TSA do the private people who board those what they do to you or I.

Because the "security" it's about is keeping those private plane owning privileged few safe and secure from...


So we get the full treatment, they do not.

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