Thursday, July 21, 2016

Are cop-defenders consistent?

I'm making a list of everyone who whenever there's a "black lives matter" post immediately must comment "ALL lives matter".

Then, next time I see them complain about any problem or issue at all, I'm going to do the same to them. I'm sure they won't mind.


Mary Smith: I'm having such trouble finding a reliable person to mow my lawn and keep it looking nice!

Me: ALL lawns matter.

See how that works? They'll be sharing what they believe to be a real concern, and I'll leap in to belittle it and point out the obvious fact that all other similar concerns equally matter, so they should just shut up.


John Jones: My grandmother was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and I honestly don't know what to do.

Me: ALL grandmothers matter.

I know, there will be some that think that rather mean of me. But not those who defend cops at all costs, at all times, no matter what. They know that any time a minority group expresses their frustration at a problem that even many police acknowledge is real, that they need to be pounced upon and have it made light of. So they'll want the same done to them.

I might also do that thing where no matter what the problem, I'll come up with reasons for why they're the problem instead. I'll use all the same tricks and razzle-dazzle that those who love defending any cop on Earth use.


Jane Doe: The teacher spoke harshly again to my Lucy today, and it made her cry. I think I'll go to the School Board.

Me: Those teachers are the true heroes, and the thin line between our nation and barbarism! If you knew all they had to go through, you'd not be such a teacher hater! Besides, how's Lucy's past history looking? I heard she had been shooting spit balls last semester! And besides, didn't the teacher say that Lucy didn't stop the first time? Lucy should learn that if a teacher says something, you just comply! At once!

Then after that, I'll post a lot of pro-teacher memes, with the implication in each one that if you don't back teachers no matter what, in all cases, that you hate teachers, education and apple pie.


*picture of Lucy's teacher playing with another child*

*picture of another teacher teaching*

*picture of a teacher at a soup kitchen*

I'll show pictures of teachers being fired, teachers unfairly punished, I'll come up with armbands with a color reserved for teachers. Perhaps I might grudgingly agree that it's possible for a teacher to err, but I'll never admit that of the teacher under discussion.

See? That way everyone will know what a lousy parent Jane Doe is for excusing her ungovernable brat against any noble teacher charged with educating her!

Nothing wrong in that, eh?

Good. Because I'll also start citing inapplicable studies to show everyone how the teacher can't be the problem because I can find another problem! Like that study from the Bob Howard University that shows that the majority of kids are yelled at - by other kids! Given that, how is the mom worried about one teacher? Why isn't she complaining about the other kids? Eh? Eh?

I'll also start arguing from the extreme. And making a ton of oyster soup from a single oyster.


Jane Doe: But the teacher really did speak harshly to Lucy!

Me: What about that one time, when this one teacher in the Bronx didn't react when the kid sassed him, and then later, his tires were slashed!? It's a war out there, and teachers are losing while you're asking that your spoiled monster be coddled!

Jane Doe: But Lucy is only 7!

Me: Good! Then there's still time to give her some discipline! Teacher speaks, she obeys! If you point a straw with a spit ball in it at a teacher, and get screamed at till you cry, you're only a victim of your own stupidity!

Jane Doe: But she didn't have a straw, she was reaching for a pencil!

Me: The important thing was that the teacher got home un-spit-balled. That's all that matters.

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