Saturday, March 31, 2018

Another Four Star Poser

You know how many stars Sheriff's are actually supposed to wear?


Over their heart. 

Because they are civilians tasked with guarding the peace of a given area.

Stars on the shoulders are to represent the military rank of General.  One star on each shoulder does that for what is technically called a "Brigadier General".

Then two stars for Major General.

Then three stars for Lieutenant General.

Then four stars for simply "General".

In rare cases, a fifth star can be awarded, usually if one is fighting WWII and commanding not only American but Allied forces.

Washington was awarded a fifth star posthumously, and declared to out rank any other fifth star General out there, past, present of future.  In his life, General Washington had but three stars.

But when you're a real man, you don't need to pile on rank pointlessly.

Local Sheriffs and Police Chiefs take note - you are NOT soldiers.  Heaven knows if you were, less civilians would be killed.

Those who respect law enforcement usually also respect the military.

The "posers" in our law enforcement need to stop posing.  If they want military rank - join the military!

Pictured:  General Grady Judd, Sheriff, Polk County, Florida.  He has a star on his chest, he has four stars on each shoulder, and he has his very own flag because he's, like, Sheriff, and his flag?

His flag has a star on it!  Cuz, he's like, way up there!  Past George Washington!

Friday, March 30, 2018

The AR-15 versus a 100 year old six shooter

"Oh, my goodness, the AR-15 MILITARY ASSAULT CARNAGE DEATH MACHINE can shoot thirty rounds in 15 seconds!  How can anyone 'need' such a weapon of death?"

While no weapon should be banned, the wrong one is being sought for ban here.  In all the cases that people are getting upset about, the firing is going on in close quarters, like a school.

A six shooter - a plain old six shooter, like a poor man might have carried back in the 1800s - can do as much damage as that AR-15.  It wholly depends on the shooter, not the particular weapon.  This should be obvious - it's like how you can go to Lowes and buy the cheapest to the fanciest hammer, and the only real difference will be what the guy hammering brings to the table.

If a carpenter is using the cheap hammer, he's going to do better than me using the fancy one.  And if two novices are using a fancy and a cheap hammer, their performances will still be comparable - for crap.

But what does being "limited" to a six shooter mean when compared to an AR-15?

Well, it means that you can get all the way up to the school without being detected, handguns being easy to conceal, AR-15s not so much.

It means you can draw and aim it faster, as it is lighter and less bulky than that dreaded AR-15.

It means that it will NEVER jam, no matter what, a claim that no AR-15 or M-16 could have made for it.

It means you can aim just as well, as everything in your target environment is going to be within fifty yards, unless your "rampage" is being conducted in the middle of an empty football field.

It means you can shoot just as many.  Oh, of course dropping a thirty round clip and slamming in another one is quicker, but we're speaking in terms of "seconds" not "minutes".

Major Nidal Hasan, the shooter at Ft. Hood
Killed 13, Wounded 30.  With a handgun.

You could fire six shots with a six shooter, drop the shells, slam in a reloader, and be back firing in, just off the cuff, two seconds.  Sure, with practice.  Which means that while the AR-15 guy is firing off a round per second, taking thirty seconds to go empty, the six shooter guy needed an extra 8 seconds to fire off the same number!

Now, I know that most of you only know about shooting from movies, but believe me, in any real combat environment in which accuracy is being sought, no one is firing one a second anyway.  They acquire the target, they fire, the pause, the acquire another target, they fire - so 8 seconds is making no difference in ultimate "kill counts" for the times these shooters are "active".

And if any wish to pipe up about how "What if they aren't acquiring targets, but just shooting indiscriminately into a crowd?"  Then those few reload seconds still aren't making much of a difference, especially as the odds are is that most will be wounded, as opposed to killed.

See, the reasons why real soldiers don't spray bullets indiscriminately is because that doesn't work very well for killing.  It's why the "full auto" feature of the military's M-16 is really rarely used.  In fact, I'd almost say "never" used.

So please don't comment back that "Well, hur dur, 8 more seconds, someone could kill a few more kids!"  Bullets aren't magic, and you can't have it both ways.

Either the guy is an expert marksman, in which case he can take out a high number of kids no matter what weapon he is using - making a ban of any pointless.  Or he's not a marksman - making a ban of any pointless.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

School Shooting Solution

Dear Children Who Are So Scared Of Being Shot At School:

Don't just walk out - drop out. Then mommy or daddy can home school you, or you can just wait till you're an adult and get that GED.

I mean, your life is at stake, right? Something just "has" to be done, right? You need solid solutions, not feel good crap from we adults, right?

Well then. Don't just walk out - drop out.

If you were serious. And if your mommy and daddy who put you up to this "walk out" were serious, I bet they'll support you in that plan, won't they?

I bet the mommy and daddy who claim to be proud of your "walk out" will no doubt re-arrange their lives and financial priorities to make sure that one of them can stay home and home school you, won't they?

What's a more modest standard of living when a life - your own - is at stake, eh? I mean, it's legal for one of them to work a job and a half and for all of you to live in a small efficiency apartment, or to move back in with family, isn't it?

And with most of you, this wouldn't even involve that, but just having a slightly smaller house, or not going on vacations quite as much, or other such minor curtailments to spending, right? But even if it meant major changes, that would still be okay to protect your precious life - right?

I mean, because I'd hardly recommend any of these economic status changes for small stuff - but you are assuring us this is life or death - right?

And I bet that even if your mommy is a single mommy, she'll form a cooperative with other single mommies, just so that they can all have you and theirs home schooled for free, in utter safety - right?


I mean, each single mother will work their various jobs, and they'll coordinate with each other as to which days off they'll each dedicate to teaching you all - because it's your life at stake!

I mean, yeah, that would be complicated, but if it saved one life - right?

Or - were you and your parents blowhard fools who talk a good game about the precious lives of kids, but won't burn a calorie to do anything real to solve it?

Were foot stomps and "walk outs" just to impact the rights of others, and not something that is supposed to make any change in your behaviors and choices?

Was it just others who were to sacrifice and strive and change - and none of this was to have you guys make any meaningful change at all? Yeah, gee - maybe you kids really are running this "walk out" because that's about as childish a "solution" as I've ever heard.

Where someone else does all the work for what you say you want, and you make no changes at all.

Yeah. We can all sit back and watch now. And see which of your oh so concerned parents start home schooling - and which still blithely send their kids to those supposedly so dangerous public schools while they continue their 21st century American consumerist lifestyles unimpeded, and un-inconvenienced.


Those Who Dislike Using Kids To Push Political Crap