Saturday, October 29, 2016

Doing vs. Voting

Please do not take this as an endorsement for Trump, because I would never vote for him even if he was running against Pol Pot.

But am I the only one puzzled, and a bit miffed, at the Democrats who are trying to make the Dakota pipeline issue "their" issue?  I mean, to see the memes the liberal democrats are putting out, we need to elect Hillary at once, so that the Natives can have 110% sovereignty and no pipeline ever!

Yet, who is in office right now?  Reagan?  Nixon?  Bush?  Righty McConservabully?

No, I believe that Barack Obama is the President, and that he is a Democrat.  Nor am I believing for a second that Hillary is going to do anything about this issue when she gets in.

To my knowledge, I do not think she has even promised, too.

The usual level of American political discourse.
And quite accurate.

People, I hate to beat a dead horse, but this ably demonstrates - for the 7,483rd time - that our Presidents are but figureheads for powerful interests that care nothing for us.

We are given no meaningful choices for who will be President, the "choices" we are gave could not be reasonably expected to manage a used car dealership with any degree of competence or integrity, we don't even really get to vote for them at all, and to the extent we can make our voice heard, the Supreme Court can overturn the popular vote.

Then, when past all that, someone you want gets in - like, say, for example, Obama - then he can violate every promise he ever made and make his administration indistinguishable from the Cheney administration.  Gitmo not closed, torture still a thing, occupying more nations than ever, etc., etc.

Justice for the Sioux - or any one else - is thus not a Democrat issue, nor, before any get too excited, a Republican one.  There is, in fact, no justice or goodness to be had at the polls at all.  When you imagine that there is, and then make a big fuss about who should win, and who should be voted for, and then worse, rush out to the polls to "vote", you're not solving anything.

You are, in fact, making the problem worse, as you are tending to encourage the young, the uneducated and the naive that voting somehow matters, and that solutions are to be found not by hard work, but by a ballot box.

Spoiler Alert:  Problems are only solved by hard work.

And to be honest, it's work that does not always succeed in your lifetime.  Thus the wise person does good for goodness's sake, or for Christ, or for any number of noble reasons that they find within their soul.

But they do it knowing that it is good in itself, and not something that they are doing for their party to win or for their views to triumph.

I, for instance, run a sober living home.  And if I were doing it because I was hoping to end alcoholism and addiction, I would be a fool.  And if I were doing it to ram through a New Prohibition, I would be a bullying fool.

I do it for any one individual that can be aided.  And because that's how I do it, I need not worry about who is voted in or out, which law passes or does not, who is or is not on the Supreme Court, or any of the other fluff, bell and whistle distractions that is any government that ever existed.

The Sioux do need your aid.  As do those recovering from alcoholism.  As do many for many reasons, locally and globally.  And the energy you may be currently wasting in campaigning for Tweedledum or Tweedledumber could be better spent on actually doing something.

Like donating for blankets for the Sioux.  Instead of asking the government to, they not having a good reputation in the "blanket passing out" department.  Or aiding those trying to recover from addiction.  Instead of asking the government to take away free agency from everyone.  Or any other private action that will always do more than any campaigning.

And that will always be more moral than anything done by government force.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Two Fools

I know that I have no doubt saddened - or even angered - some of my conservative friends by repeated jabs at Donald Trump.  Such friends have had a hard time this year, as the jabs have hardly just come from me, but nearly everyone has been making fun of Trump.

Particularly, of course, Hillary and the Democrats/Liberals.

This article then is to cut the Republicans and Conservatives some slack by pointing out an obvious and overlooked home truth to Hillary and her supporters.

That truth is this:

Q.  What do you have when you argue with a fool?

A.  Two fools arguing.

And as God is my witness, Hillary is that second fool.  And a greater one than Trump.  Oh, yes.  A greater one then he.  Why?

Because she knows better. 

And to the Democrats who are all gleefully going about sarcastically and condescendingly asking, "Can you believe how stupid the Right is for supporting this buffoon?", I'd ask them, "Can you fathom how stupid it is to be proud of any victory she could have over him?"

Picture a basketball contest.  In theory, two teams of roughly equal competence are going to go head to head, and the best team will win.  And when it's two professional basketball teams, that's what happens.

Both sides can thus be proud.  The winners for beating a good and competent team.  And the losers for putting up a good fight, and making it a challenging and exciting contest.

What happens if your basketball team is just a bunch of clowns, not so much professional as just acrobatic and entertaining?  Like, for instance, the Harlem Globetrotters?

Hillary pulls Donald's pants down.  Hilarity ensues.
You want them to play, but you know there is no hope of them winning against a real NBA team.  You know, for them not being one themselves. 

That's when you come up with a made up team.  A pretend team.  Like the Washington Generals, the hapless team that for decades was paid to do nothing but lose to the Harlem Globetrotters. 

Only that way can your team of jokers and posers win.  Only that way can a group of guys with no real experience in competitive, professional sports can win. 

Now, if everyone knows that's what is going on, there is nothing wrong with it, and no shame in it for anyone.  The Globetrotters are just having fun, and the Generals are just aiding them in this.

But picture if someone above the age of 12 was actually thinking that the Globetrotters were some how all that and a bag of chips.  And that each victory was some stunning upset, some definitive proof of how superlatively great the Globetrotters were in the big boy world of professional basketball.

That would be pretty darn sad, wouldn't it?  Yeah.  It sure would be.  To take any kind of pride in beating a team paid to lose would be as sad as it could possibly get. 

And to laugh at those who support the Generals would be even sadder.  Oh, true, any who are actively rooting for the Generals would have some troubling issues in cognition.  But to be a fan of either team is stupid, and to even give the least cheer for either team is stupid.  And those cheering on the team that can't win against a real team doesn't get to look down upon those who are there solely to let the fake team win.

The only person who gets to laugh at either side is the person who doesn't root or cheer for either side, but either sits it out, or waves a sign saying "Go Lakers!" even if it's impossible for the Lakers to win when the two fake teams aren't allowing them on the court!

Now some will say, "But Mr. Amicable Anarchist, Hillary isn't fake, just Donald!"

No, that's just you proving how silly you are.  Were Hillary a real politician with real experience, and a real base of support, she would be going up against a real opponent.  Instead, the Powers That Be, well familiar with how little experience she has and how disliked she is, have whipped up out of nothing the only person in the nation less experienced and more detestable than her.

Donald Trump. 

And even given how easy he should be to beat, even given how he seems to be actively participating in letting himself be beat, you will note that the media tries to keep you constantly scared as to him winning, as they know - more than you do - just how hated and incompetent Hillary is.

Note how Donald seems in on this, and consistently does everything the opposite of what a politician trying to win would do.  Note how he espouses positions so far right that even die-hard conservatives are saying, "Dude, it's too much."  Note how his chief criticism of Hillary - is to keep repeating the same lie over and over, about how she has 30 years of political experience.  A funny insult to keep hitting her with, when the opposite is actually the case. 

Hillary's biggest weakness is her utter lack of real experience beyond a safe seat handed to her and a horse trading appointment gave to her.  A real opponent would have hit her over the head with that, instead Donald goes out of his way to pretend that she has somehow been building up three decades of experience in leadership!

Note also how the press keeps trying to sell us on the idea that Donald is some kind of crazy rogue who'll bring down the system, when in reality if the system were ever that fragile it would deserve to fall.  No, Donald saying that he might contest the election is not "unprecedented" or a violation of our democratic traditions.  Al Gore did that very thing back in 2000. 

No, he having the nuclear button doesn't mean he gets to blow us all up in four minutes - though note how that woman with "thirty years of experience" let that one slip out for the sake of scoring a tiny debate point.  In truth, the President does NOT have absolute say over launching the nukes, and anyone who was sworn in and tried to would find himself facing a mental health hearing and being relieved of his duties at once.

No, he doesn't get to unilaterally round up everyone and gas them or bus them back to Mexico.  No, he doesn't get to wave his tiny hand and have a wall built.  He's just one man, in this case a boogeyman, a strawman, created only to get you to vote for a political insider who has convinced the Powers That Be that it's "her turn". 

If you want to make a difference this year, you have only two sane choices. 

1.  Vote 3rd Party.  For any of them.  Yeah, it makes a difference, if 5% of the nation voted Green, don't you think for a second that whoever won wouldn't be immediately pandering to environmental issues at once to try to secure that five percent for the next election!

2.  Don't vote at all.  For any of them.  Yeah, it makes a difference, the larger percent that doesn't vote, the more the Powers That Be know we're not buying their game any more, and thus they will try to ramp up a bit of "care" for us to persuade us all to vote in the next election!

But whatever you do, do not vote for a buffoon or a poser.  Do not vote for no experience or less experience.  Do not vote for the Globetrotters or the Generals.

Do NOT vote for Donald or Hillary.